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St. Teresa's Nursery School, Belfast


2019/2020 School Year

1st Jun 2020
Why not take time outside to gather up lots of resources that you could put together...
1st Jun 2020
5 fun Maths activities to try at home!
1st Jun 2020
Back with another special story - Miss Toner doesn't disappoint  Elmer
1st Jun 2020
This little butterfly got her own visitor and he came for tea and a picnic. ...
1st Jun 2020
This little butterfly has had a great week taking full advantage of the lovely dry...
31st May 2020
Sequence Game Click on link above.  This builds on Robot Dance last week....
31st May 2020
29th May 2020
Taller and Shorter On Tuesday Mrs Evans used sticks to make shapes.  She...
28th May 2020
Go to E book section of Documents in this website to access a fun and interactive...