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St. Teresa's Nursery School, Belfast

Children's Day of Mission Prayer - 11th October

22nd Sep 2024
We are looking forward to preparing for Children's Day of Mission Prayer - 11th October.

“Children’s Day of Mission Prayer” - 11th October

Key Takeaways:

  1. Theme of Sharing and Caring:
    • The central theme is “Share the Good News,” which emphasizes sharing, caring, and helping others.
    • Encouraging children to think about others and how they can help, even in small ways.
  2. Inclusivity and Participation:
    • The celebration is designed to be inclusive, allowing all children to participate.
    • Focus on prayer and solidarity with children around the world.
  3. Explaining Visual and Sensory Elements:
    • Visual aids of globe and coloured candles in hall - represent different continents and the concept of sharing.

What we will do:

  1. Create a Prayer Space: Visual aids of globe and coloured candles in hall - represent different continents and the concept of sharing. There will also be a donation box.
  2. Interactive Activities:
    • Encourage children to draw pictures of what sharing and caring mean to them.
  3. Music and Movement:
    • Teach children “This Little Light of Mine.”
    • Incorporate movements or actions to go along with the songs to make them more engaging.
  4. Sensory Activities:
    • Use sensory bins with items representing different continents (e.g., sand for Africa, water for Oceania) to help children connect with the concept of global solidarity.
  5. Simplified Prayers:
    • Adapt the prayers to be very simple and short, using repetitive phrases that children can easily follow.
    • Encourage children to say their own short prayers for other children around the world.

What we need you to do

  1. Parental Involvement: We encourage you to talk to their children about the importance of helping others.
