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St. Teresa's Nursery School, Belfast

Graduation - In Nursery School - 24 June 2020

10th Jun 2020

Please agree to these safety conditions to attend

We are hoping to facilitate Graduation pictures for each child in Nursery. Photographs will be taken outdoors, under canopy if weather necessitates.

In order to ensure Social Distancing, check your child's time slot below.  Children will be brought in small groups with very short turn around.  Please wait in car or outside until it is your slot.  Children will be asked to sanitize hands before putting on gowns.  Children can wear their uniform if they wish, the yellow t-shirt looks well underneath the blue gowns.

Children are asked to be accompanied by one parents only.

Please do not attend school if you or your child has a temperature or if anyone in the household is unwell.  We will get leavers t-shirt and certficate delivered if needs be.  

Gowns and hats will be for the sole use of your child and placed in box after use.

Our school photographer May Gracey, Cool4School, has kindly agreed to take pictures.  Parents will be required to give their name and email. Cool4School will forward you a proof and photographs can be ordered online and posted to home address.

This will also be an opportunity for you to collect your child's leavers T-shirt.  Which has school logo on one side and all the children's forenames on the back as a little reminder of their time in St. Teresa's Nursery.  Children will also be issued with a Graduation Certificate.

We hope that all children will be able to attend this event and we hope you understand that we are trying to do our best by the children in very difficult circumstances.  We have carried out a rebust risk assessment and feel this to be the safest outcome for your children whilst marking their time in St. Teresa's.

They, our Graduates 2020 are a very special group of children and will be missed greatly by staff.