Move to online learning Monday 9th January
Unfortunately, as you may know, levels of Covid in our community are rising. Today, 4 members of staff have tested positive for Covid. Another member of teaching staff is off due to a bereavement.
Due to the high numbers of children with SEN and having no Designate Teacher or Deputy Designate Teacher for Child Protection on site we have agreed that a move to home learning would be safest for both children and staff in the short term.
Therefore, we will be moving to online learning 9-11 January 2022. Access to home learning, is through SEESAW a unique code has been sent home today with each child to access this. All being well we will return to face to face learning from 12th January but this will be kept under review.
Thank-you for your ongoing support and understanding.
Best wishes
Mrs. Clare Evans (Principal)
St. Teresa's Nursery School, 24 Bearnagh Glen, Belfast BT11 8HR | 028 9061 6944