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St. Teresa's Nursery School, Belfast

Parents Notice

19th Aug 2020

Message for parents

After much debate and discussion, we have agreed our settling in process for this year.
Usually we bring the children in incrementally over the month of September to enable the children to settle in gradually, learn the rules and routines and establish relationships with their peers and staff.
Given that we are in the middle of a pandemic, this year, settling in will be slightly different- both for staff and children.
In order to establish a staggered pattern of attendance and ensure additional routines e.g. children familiar with getting their temperature checked and enhanced sanitisation routines are embedded - we have decided to go with the bubble model we indicated on your Open Day invitation for two week period. If anyone has lost their Open Day invitation, please email
school and it can be resent. One parent can accompany their child on the open day but must socially distance from other adults.
After two weeks, we aim to merge our coloured bubbles. This will mean for example- instead of your child being in a group of six they will then be in a group of twelve. They will be dropped off and collected at the same time of day and taught by the same members of staff but instead of attending for 2 days they will attend for 5. These bubbles will follow the same timetable of day, with their own resources and enhanced hygiene practices. This is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all.
It is essential that parents do not send their child to school if they have:
- Temperature or unwell
-Loss of taste or smell
-Been in close proximity of someone who has tested positive with Covid19
Drop off and collection times must be strictly adhered too to ensure social distancing
Children should be dropped off by one adult only
Children should be sent in a clean uniform daily (if not possible to get washed - ordinary clothes are ok but must be suitable for outdoor play.)
Children should not bring a school bag.
We ask that they bring a change of clothes for their sole use and a reusable water bottle with their name on it.
We appreciate your support over the next two weeks but in doing so, this should mean that children are in full time 5 days a week from week three, so compared to other years, they are not missing out on any contact time.
We hope you agree this is the best workable model for our school in order to keep you, your children and our staff safe.
Thank you
Mrs Clare Evans
