Pre-School Curriculum

Please click link below to access STNS Pre-School Curricular Map.
The Nursery curriculum is based on the guidelines issued by the Department of Education which addresses the following areas:
• Personal, Social and Emotional Development
• Language Development
• Physical Development and Movement
• The Arts
• Early Mathematical Experiences
• The World around Us
In planning for a quality curriculum, the following experiences are considered:
• Young children are interested in themselves
• Their environment
• They are curious
• Like to explore, investigate and create
• Have a sense of wonder and amazement
• Like to establish a good relationship with adults and peers
• Enjoy communicating
• Enjoy stories, rhymes and music
• Enjoy physical play
The Nursery curriculum meets children's physical, social and emotional needs. It challenges and stimulates them and is broad and balanced to allow them to act independently and to make choices. Children are given opportunities to work alone or in groups, to develop their concentration and skills such as turn taking and sharing.
St. Teresa's Nursery School, 24 Bearnagh Glen, Belfast BT11 8HR | 028 9061 6944