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St. Teresa's Nursery School, Belfast

Gold Rights Respecting School


We were delighted to be awarded RRS- Gold in June 2022.  

Strengths of the school include:

  • Rights are explicitly linked to all areas of the school’s work - visible on displays linked
    across the curriculum and very prominent on the website and school communications.
  • All adults are passionate about the rights respecting work of the school and the impact this
    is having on outcomes for children.
  • Communication with parents about rights work, including encouraging parents to contribute to home learning.
  • Active and engaged governors who fully support embedding a rights-
    based approach across the whole school community and beyond.
  • The caring and nurturing ethos of the school, where the values of dignity and respect are
    lived and valued by children and their parents.
  • Happy, confident children who clearly know that they have rights and are engaging in
    discussions around global issues linked to rights.
22nd Sep 2024
We are looking forward to preparing for Children's Day of Mission Prayer - 11th...
13th Nov 2023
Well done to all our Butterflies and staff who wore odd socks today.  This reminds...
17th Jun 2022
We are absolutely delighted to announce that we are the first nursery in the North...